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La experiencia de usuario al globalizar los contenidos de un sitio web

He leído con sumo interés una nota de Louis Rosenfeld en la que comparte de forma absolutamente abierta con los lectores de su blog la idea de globalizar los contenidos de Rosenfeld Media, su editorial de títulos de UX.
Louis comenta la idea de ejecutar pequeñas acciones mediante las que una red de voluntarios traduzcan los tweets, la página de inicio y algunas partes críticas del site de Rosenfeld Media a diferentes idiomas.
Qué es lo que propone Louis:
- A «friend of Rosenfeld Media» who’s a native speaker of a non-English language would volunteer to do the following:
- Translate our tweets and post them to a language-specific RM account (e.g., «@RM_espanol»).
- Translate a page on the RM site (e.g.,») that includes our mission, a list of our products, and links to those products on the RM site and, if available, from publishers who’ve translated our books (currently many of our titles have our are being translated into Chinese and Korean). Even better, translate each product’s brief description.
- Facilitate communications between RM and non-English speakers by serving as a go-between/translator.
- The generous friend would in turn receive:
- Copies of all of our books and webinars.
- Prominent mention on the page for that language.
- Our undying gratitude.
- The good feeling of helping connect their fellow language-speakers with more good UX content.
Lo que más me ha llamado la atención tras la lectura del post es el comentario, certero donde los haya, de nuestro colega Javier Velasco:
I’m not sure if translating would be worth the effort in this case. My first guess is that you just get more mileage for keeping your English free of US-centric references (as in staying away from East-coast vs. West-coast language, or assuming people will know who celebrities and politicians are). Which BTW you already seem to be doing a good job at.
What I’m thinking here is if your books are published in English, then the people who are able to read them will be able to read your site in English. Otherwise they will just get frustrated from reading a website in their language just to find out they will not be able to read the books.
El comentario que he dejado yo no ha podido ser otro que: 100% agree with @mantruc
¿Qué os parece?
En Torresburriel Estudio realizamos proyectos de consultoría en diseño de experiencia de usuario para tu producto digital, aplicando metodologías de diseño centrado en el usuario. Contacta con nosotros, y cuéntanos tu proyecto.
100% de acuerdo con @mantruc y contigo. Pocas cosas dejan peor sabor de boca en un sitio web que hacer clic en un enlace esperando encontrar una cosa para luego ver que no está.
Un saludo.
[…] La experiencia de usuario al globalizar los contenidos de un sitio web […]